Tuesday, August 11, 2009

BISG Webcast on the Future of ISBN

Mark Bide of Editeur is hosting a BISG Webcast on the future of ISBN (BISG):
The book industry has had the ISBN for nearly 40 years; there has been little cause for excitement. Now, suddenly the whole subject of "identifiers" has become a hot topic, particularly when it comes to digital books and other online resources. This BISG Webcast will explore why the book industry has standard identifiers, and consider the future of the ISBN (International Standard Book Number), as well as the role of newer identification standards like ISTC (International Standard Text Code) and ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier). What do you need to know to make informed decisions about how -- and whether -- to use them? Register today to find out.
Register here: It is even FREE!

How timely.

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